“We Care For Your Family”

Some links to other sites you may find informative

www.drkoop.com Dr. Koop’s Health Network

www.nih.gov National Institutes of Health

www.cdc.gov Centers for Disease Control

www.drweil.com Alternative and Natural Medicine

www.healthfinder.gov U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

www.intelihealth.com Johns Hopkins medical information

www.parenttime.com Parenting tips

www.familyeducation.com Information for parents of school age children

http://www.drgreene.com Dr. Greene’s House Calls- pediatric wisdom

www.adam.com  Health Discussion and News Groups

www.webmd.com Health news and information

www.americasdoctor.com Online chats with physicians and shopping for medical supplies

www.onhealth.com Holistic health site

www.drugstore.com On line -mail order drugstore

www.healthlinks.net More links to help you locate healthcare products and services