CPC ordered over 5,000 doses of flu vaccine in in early 2004 in preparation for the 2004-2005 flu season. Unfortunately, only 1,100 doses were received prior to the suspension of the delivery of the flu vaccine in October. All doses received by CPC have already been given to patients. At this time we do not have any flu shots and do not expect to receive any more this year.
CPC does have some Flu Mist, a nasal spray flu vaccine. Flu Mist can be administered to patients who are between 5 and 49 years of age who do not have a history of respiratory disease, such as asthma, chronic bronchitis, etc. The cost of Flu Mist is $30. Some insurance plans pay for some or all of this cost and some do not. If you elect to get Flu Mist, please remember that you are financially responsible for any portion of this charge not covered by your health plan. Please contact your CPC physician’s office for an appointment or for further information.”